Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Ebenezer Stevens, 7 July 1800

To Ebenezer Stevens

New York July 7th. 1800


I enclose a letter from Dr. Genet1 together with his account, the settlement of which he requests may take place as speedily as possible; but he has, as you will see, purposely omitted fixing any rate for his services. You will therefore please to fill up the blank, calculating the compensation due to him for the time of his service, on the principle of his receiving the emoluments of a Surgeon’s mate, for such was the compensation allowed in a similar case, to the person who preceded him, and is at the same rate as I intended it should be in this instance.

With true consideration   I am Sir   Yr. ob. Servant

A Hamilton

30 Drs. p Mo. surgeons mate pay

6   do   forage2

E. Stevens Esqr.

LS, in the handwriting of Philip Church, New-York Historical Society, New York City; Df, in the handwriting of Philip Church, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Letter not found. Benjamin Genet served as surgeon at Fort Jay on Governors Island in New York Harbor and also supervised the care of the sick on Ellis Island.

2The rate of pay and forage for surgeons’ mates was stipulated in “An Act to regulate the Medical Establishment” (1 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, I (Boston, 1845). description ends 721–23 [March 2, 1799]).

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