Thomas Jefferson Papers

Peter Carr to Thomas Jefferson, 31 August 1811

From Peter Carr

Carr’s-brook. Aug. 31st 1811.

My dear Sir

You will receive by James, a very fine boar-pig of the Chinese or Parkinson breed; he is just eight weeks old, and as the sow is in heat again, I thought it best, to seperate them. If they Should answer the character given of them, they will certainly be, a valuable acquisition. Judge Holmes and Genl Smith of Winchester, speak of their being made fit for the table, on a third or even a fourth of the corn, used for the common hog.

Our dear mother is yeilding at length to the unconquerable force of her disease—she is perfectly helpless, knows no person, and is insensible to every thing. I did not think, she could have lived through the last night—She cannot possibly survive many days. Adieu affectionately.

Pr Carr

RC (ViU: TJP-CC); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson esqrMonticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 31 Aug. 1811 and so recorded in SJL.

Richard parkinson described his breeding of Chinese pigs (Sus indicus) in The Experienced Farmer, an entire new work, in which the whole system of Agriculture, Husbandry, and Breeding of Cattle, is explained and copiously enlarged upon (London, 1798), 1:298–9. For an American ed. see Sowerby, description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, 1952–59, 5 vols. description ends no. 703.

Index Entries

  • agriculture; books on search
  • books; on agriculture search
  • Carr, Martha Jefferson (TJ’s sister); health of search
  • Carr, Peter (TJ’s nephew); letters from search
  • Carr, Peter (TJ’s nephew); sends pigs to TJ search
  • Holmes, Hugh; and Chinese pigs search
  • James (P. Carr’s slave); delivers pigs search
  • livestock; pigs search
  • Parkinson, Richard; breeds Chinese pigs search
  • Parkinson, Richard; The Experienced Farmer search
  • pigs; Chinese search
  • Smith, John (1750–1836); and Chinese pigs search
  • The Experienced Farmer (Parkinson) search