Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Ferdinand Grand, 12 March 1779

To Ferdinand Grand

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy. March 12. 1779

Dear Sir

Enclos’d is the propos’d Letter to the House in Holland, which you will send if you approve of it.1 If I have not exprest rightly the Affair of Interest, please to keep it back, and I will correct it for next Post: what is mention’d of another House relates to the final Offer made me by M. Neufville.2 I own I have not an Expectation of much farther Assistance from Holland at Present. But when the Offer was reduced so as to come within my Limits, you see I would not refuse it without making myself liable to this Reflection from M de Vergennes, that an Offer of the Sum for which he had engaged to guarantee the Interest,3 had been made to me, and that I might probably have had the Money, but would not accept of it.

I observe an Error of 3600 florins in the Words of your Receipt upon the Acct.4 but the figures rectify it.

I am ever, with sincere Esteem &c

Ferd. Grand.

1To Horneca, Fizeaux & Cie., which immediately follows. The Dutch banking firm had been attempting to raise a loan for Congress; see our annotation of Grand’s March 2 memorandum.

2The rival banker had offered to take over the loan on similar terms; see the immediately preceding letter.

3For Vergennes’ explanation of his guarantee see our annotation of his March 18 letter.

4Presumably Account XI (XXIV, 3), Grand’s recently-terminated account with the commissioners.

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