Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Instructions for a Carriage, 30 March 1801

Instructions for a Carriage

  • A handsome chariot for both city & country use, consequently to be made
  • very light, and to be hung absolutely low, without any regard at all to the
  • modern fashion, as low as they came in former times, which the dangerous
  • roads of the country absolutely require.
  • a very1 large semicircular light behind.
  • quadrantal lights in each hind quarter.
  • Venetian blinds and glasses2 to all the lights, & spring curtains
  • calico lining
  • plated beads & cypher.
  • qu? plated caps to the hubs of the wheels.
  • a driver’s box to be taken off or on easily. by 4. screws.
  • a light boot to be off or on at pleasure. in this, have no regard to the ridiculous
  • fashion of enormous boots.
  • no lantherns.
  • 2 pr. plated harness, with both pads & postillion saddles, to be easily changed.

PrC (DLC); blurred; letterpressed to second page of enclosing letter.

1Word interlined.

2Preceding two words interlined.

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