Thomas Jefferson Papers

Fitzwhylsonn & Potter to Thomas Jefferson, 3 May 1811

From Fitzwhylsonn & Potter

Richmond May 3 1811


In obedience to the request contained in your polite note, of the 28’th Ultimo, with which we were favored this morning, we have put into the post Office, under your address, the 32’nd No of the Edinburg Review. This is the last No as yet received from New-York. As the others arrive we shall forward them agreeably to order.

We are Sir, very respectfully,Your Obedt Servants

Fitzwhylsonn & Potter

RC (MHi); in William H. Fitzwhylsonn’s hand; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 May 1811 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Edinburgh Review, no. 32 (1810); Sowerby, description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, 1952–59, 5 vols. description ends no. 4733; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library [1829] description ends , 13 (no. 833).

Fitzwhylsonn & Potter was a bookselling and publishing firm in Richmond. Welsh-born William Henry Fitzwhylsonn (ca. 1767–1837) ran an English school in Richmond from 1787 to 1824. He was mayor of the city in 1817, a manager of the Colonization Society of Virginia, and a prominent freemason. Walter Potter (d. 1817) joined Fitzwhylsonn some time after 1800, replacing John Pumfrey of Pumfrey & Fitzwhylsonn. Fitzwhylsonn retained the Richmond agency for the Edinburgh Review until at least 1825 (Valentine Museum, Richmond Portraits … 1737–1860 [1949], 65–6; Samuel Mordecai, Virginia, especially Richmond, in By-Gone Days, 2d ed. [1860], 167–71; Richmond Virginia Independent Chronicle, 15 Aug. 1787; “Colonization Society of Virginia,” African Repository and Colonial Journal 4 [1828]: 307; Richmond Enquirer, 25 Nov. 1817; Fitzwhylsonn to TJ, 21 Mar. 1825; Richmond Whig and Public Advertiser, 23 June 1837).

TJ’s note of 28 Apr. 1811 has not been found and is not recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Edinburgh Review search
  • Fitzwhylsonn, William Henry; and Edinburgh Review search
  • Fitzwhylsonn, William Henry; identified search
  • Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm); and Edinburgh Review search
  • Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm); identified search
  • Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm); letters from search
  • Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm); letters to accounted for search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
  • Potter, Walter; and Edinburgh Review search
  • Potter, Walter; identified search
  • Pumfrey, John search
  • Pumfrey & Fitzwhylsonn (Richmond firm) search
  • Richmond, Va.; booksellers in search
  • subscriptions, for publications; journals search