From George Washington to Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle Duportail, 28 May 1781
Head Quarters New Windsor May 28th 1781
Dear Sir
As you are perfectly acquainted with the plan which has been concerted with His Excellency the Count De Rochambeau at Weathersfield: I need not enter into a detail of particulars. but have only to request therefore, that you will be pleased to make the Estimates of the Articles in Your Department necessary for the operation, and that the previous Arrangements for the seige, as far as they are within the Limits of our ability, may be put in the best train which the circumstances will hopefully admit.
In the mean time; as it has become necessary, from the decay of the Works, the demolition of the Barracks & other circumstances, to abandon the Post of Fort Schuyler, and erect new Fortifications at or near Fort Herkimar. I have to request that you will find an Engineer to superintend the Works in that Department. I am Dear Sir
DLC: Papers of George Washington.