Alexander Hamilton Papers

Continental Congress Motion that Major General Howe be Directed to March Troops to Philadelphia, 1 July 1783

Continental Congress
Resolution Directing Major General Howe to March Troops to Philadelphia1

[Princeton, New Jersey] July 1, 1783

That Major General Howe be directed to march such part of the force under his command as he shall judge necessary to the state of Pensylvania; in order that immediate measures may be taken to confine and bring to trial all such persons belonging to the army, as have been principally active in the late mutiny, to disarm the remainder and to examine fully into all the circumstances relating thereto;2

That in the execution of the foregoing resolution, if any matter shall arise which may concern the civil jurisdiction, or in which its aid may be necessary, application be made for the same to the Executive authority of the state.

[That the Executive of Penna. be informed of the foregoing resolutions & requested to afford their assistance whensoever the same shall be required.]3

AD, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.

1See motion by H, dated June 30, and referred to H, Oliver Ellsworth, and Theodorick Bland.

2At this point H wrote the following which was crossed out, probably by Elias Boudinot, the President of Congress:

“and in case, in the progress of the investigation, it shall appear that any persons not belonging to the army have been concerned in promoting or abetting the disorders of the soldiery, that application be made to the civil authority of the state to proceed against them as the law shall direct.”

3Bracketed words are in the writing of Elias Boudinot.

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