From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay, 15 May 1780
To Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay
Head Quarters Morris Town 15th May 1780
Dear Sir
Upon looking to a General Return of Qr Masters Stores I find there were 1200 lb. of Oakum and 164 Barrels of Tar at Albany the 7th January last1—As the repair of the Boats upon the north River was delayed for want of the above Articles you will be pleased to order them down, and set every hand who understands the Business to work upon the Boats2—I am exceedingly anxious to have them put in condition for service, and you will therefore oblige me by paying all possible attention to the matter.3 I am &c.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. The return has not been identified. In early November 1779, Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene had written Morgan Lewis, deputy quartermaster general for the northern department, that GW wanted “upwards of 200 Barrels” of tar deposited at Albany ( , 5:9–10).
2. GW had ordered the collection and repair of boats on the Hudson River as part of a deception operation, but he now wanted the craft for combined operations against New York upon the arrival of the French expeditionary army (see GW to Robert Howe, 28 April, and to Christopher Greene, this date).