From Alexander Hamilton to Major Richard Platt, [28 April 1781]
To Major Richard Platt1
[De Peyster’s Point, New York, April 28, 1781]
Dr. Sir
I will be obliged to you to give orders to have the following articles made for me
a small table 4½ feet long 3½ wide for a dining table
2 small Kegs
2 a size larger
2 piggons2
If you can spare an artificer for a day at my quarters, he will be of use to me. I should also be glad if it could be done without inconvenience to have a light boat which two persons could manage.
A Hamilton
De Peysters Point
April 28. 81
April 28. 81
Major Plat
ALS, RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives.
1. Platt was aide to Major General Alexander McDougall and a deputy quarter-master.
2. “Piggin” is an obsolete word meaning a small pail or tub with a handle.