George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Captain Epaphras Bull, 26 August 1778

From Captain Epaphras Bull

Maroneck [N.Y.]
26th Augt 1778

May it Please your Excellency—

there has passed by this Place to the Wtward, to day 3 Sloops & one Schooner Loaded with Hay—& one Row Gally, 2 Brigs & one Sloop from the Eastward come to anchor this afternoon Just Et of Hempstead Harbour, and as far Etward as I can see, appears to be 8 or 10 Sail Vessels, believe shall be able to give an Acct of them Tomorrow.1

I have the Honour to present your Excellency with 20 or 30 wt Blackfish they are now in a ⟨Car⟩, shoud be glad to know when ’twil best suit to send them up, I am your Excellencys Most Obt Hble sert

Epaps Bull

ALS, DLC:GW. Tench Tilghman docketed this letter in part: “from Capt. Bull and Lieut. Hurlbutt.” George Hurlbut (c.1756–1783) of New London, Conn., who had served in 1776 as an ensign in the 19th Continental Infantry, was commissioned a cornet in the 2d Continental Dragoons in April 1777 and promoted to lieutenant in December of that year. Promoted to captain in August 1779, Hurlbut was wounded near Tarrytown on 15 July 1781, and he died of those wounds two years later. On 8 Dec. 1788 GW gave a certificate testifying to the circumstances of Hurlbut’s death and stating that his heirs should be entitled to the commutation of his half pay (see Papers, Presidential Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series. 19 vols. to date. Charlottesville, Va., 1987–. description ends , 1:107).

1Hempstead Harbor is the bay most immediately west of Glen Cove on the north shore of Long Island.

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