Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Christopher Clark, 26 January 1812

To Christopher Clark

Monticello Jan. 26. 12.

Dear Sir

On a suggestion that it may be interesting to Capt Colin Buckner, & perhaps to yourself, I have been requested to make him the subject of a letter to you. my personal acquaintance with him is small. when Congress, towards the latter end of my administration, authorised the raising some new regiments, Capt Buckner was one of the competitors for a command I remember that his recommendations were among the most satisfactory that we recieved as to any character, and that he was one of the first to whom it was decided to give a Captain’s commission. Colo Monroe’s recommendation of him from his personal acquaintance was strong & decisive. from that time till I met with him on my late visit to Bedford I had no particular information respecting him. having seen him several times during that visit I was entirely impressed with the belief that he had fully merited the favorable opinion which had led to the commissioning him. I have thought it a duty to bear witness to what I know of him, and shall be gratified if it can be useful to him or to yourself. and avail myself of the occasion to assure you of my great esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); at foot of text: “Christopher Clarke esq.”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosed in TJ to Colin Buckner, 26 Jan. 1812.

Index Entries

  • Buckner, Colin; letter of introduction for, from TJ search
  • Clark, Christopher Henderson; and C. Buckner search
  • Clark, Christopher Henderson; letters to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction from search
  • Monroe, James; recommends C. Buckner search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ visits search