From George Washington to Major General Philemon Dickinson, 14 September 1777
To Major General Philemon Dickinson
Head Quarters near German Town [Pa.] Sepr 14. 1777
I have this morning received a copy of your letter to Congress informing of the enemy’s incursion into the Jersies. You will perceive by the inclosed letters what steps I have taken in consequence of your information. After perusing them, you will forward them with all dispatch.1 On your part I am confident you will do every thing in your power to assist in counteracting the enemy. I am with esteem Sir Your most Obed. serv.
Df, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. For Dickinson’s letter to Hancock of 13 Sept., see Hancock’s first letter to GW of this date, n.1. GW apparently enclosed his letters to Alexander McDougall and Israel Putnam of this date.