Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Sophia Brekel, 12 January 1807

Alexandria 12 Jan 1807

Honourd Sir

This Comes from A Distressd. Woman Who Has Been forsaken By Her Husband Brought to this Countrey in Expectations of Enjoying the Comforts of Life in an honorable and honest Manner and is now Deserted By my husband I Humbly Crave your Excellency will Be So kind thro the medium of your usual goodness and generosity to procure my passage to Philadelphia To Seek my husband which I am much Afraid I Shall not find there But My friends Being there I may with their Assistance Obtain a passage To My native Countrey I Make Bold to Adress you in Confidence as My Distress is Really great and not Being a Native of this Country I Humbly hope your Excellency will Extend your arm to my unfortunate Situation and It Shall Be my particular Duty Ever to pray for the Father of the Unfortunate

In Duty Bound I Shall ever pray for your present and future Welfare

Sophia Brekel

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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