Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Englehart Cruse, 23 July 1813

To Englehart Cruse

Monticello July 23. 13.


I recieved duly your favor of the 3d and in it the Description of your apparatus for blowing up ships, which I have considered and now re-inclose. my inland situation has made me the least of all men a judge of any thing nautical. mr Fulton communicated to me the plan of his floating torpedo, which appeared to me plausible. I should think the same of yours, could I permit myself to form a judgment in a case wherein I am so ignorant. not meddling at all now in the affairs of the government I return you the paper because it would go better from yourself; and because too it is possible you may wish to obtain a patent for the invention, in which case it must go from yourself in the ordinary form. with my thanks for it’s communication accept the assurance of my respects.

Th: Jefferson

RC (William Reese Company, New Haven, Conn., 2011); addressed: “Mr Englehart Cruse Saint-Mary’s Georgia”; franked; postmarked Charlottesville, 24 July. PoC (DLC); endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: enclosure to Cruse to TJ, 3 July 1813.

Index Entries

  • Cruse, Englehart; and underwater mines search
  • Cruse, Englehart; letters to search
  • Fulton, Robert; and torpedo search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; torpedoes (mines) search
  • machines; torpedo (mine) search