James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Jacob Engelbrecht, 24 October 1827

From Jacob Engelbrecht

Frederick town. Md: Octr. 24th 1827.

Respected Sir,

Your favor of the 17th inst, enclosing that of the 4th of July last, came safe to hand.

Words are almost insufficient, to express my gratitude, for the favors thus bestowed—the sphere in which I move is but that of an humble Individual, and when such favors, from a gentleman of your Standing, are not denied, I feel all the gratitude that imagination can conceive.

Will you, my dear friend, please receive my unfeigned thanks, for this mark of respect, together with my best wishes, for the health of your remaining days, and also an assurance of my good will & friendly disposition,

Jacob Engelbrecht

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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