Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Clifford & Teysset, 8 June 1781

To Clifford & Teysset

AL (draft): Library of Congress

Passy, June 8. 1781


I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 31st. past, and I immediately apply’d to M. de Chaumont, representing to him the ill Consequences that must attend the Return of those Bills to America protested. He took the Matter into Consideration, and it is but this Instant that I have received his Answer, which I inclose.4 As I think with you that this Government is concerned in the Credit of M. Holker’s Bills, I will, if this Answer of his is not satisfactory to you, lay the Affair before the Minister. I have the honour to be Gentlemen

Messrs Geo. Clifford & Teysser Negocts. a Amsterdam.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4A copy of this enclosure appears in BF’s letterbook at the Library of Congress immediately below a fragment containing the closing lines of the present document. Chaumont blames the problem on the delay of remittances from Thomas Russell. He has arranged with the bearers of the bills a delay during which he will occupy himself with selling merchandise to raise the money to pay them, even if the announced remittances from America do not arrive.

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