George Washington Papers

Enclosure: Death Warrant, 8 May 1756


Death Warrant

[Williamsburg, 8 May 1756]

Virginia to wit

Whereas Nathan Lewis hath been legally tryed by a Court Martial, held at Winchester, on the Second1 Day of this Instant and convicted of Cowardice and Disobedience to the Commands of his Officer which is a Breach of the twelveth Article of War.

These are therefore in His Majesty’s Name to require You that on [ ] the [ ] Day of [ ] between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon of the same Day You cause the said Nathan Lewis to be carried to the Place of Execution and there to be shot dead.2 Given under my Hand and Seal of this Colony at Williamsburg this eighth Day of May in the 29th Year of His Majesty’s Reign Annoq. Dom. 1756.

Robt Dinwiddie


1The date should read 3 May. See Court-Martial of Nathan Lewis, 3 May 1756.

2Lewis was not executed, and therefore the blanks were never filled.

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