Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Currie, 22 October 1796

To James Currie

Monticello Oct. 22. 1796

Dear Doctor

The return of Mr. Randolph’s servant affords me the first opportunity of informing you that I mentioned the subject you desired to the gentleman who was to call on me. He is intelligent and close, and has his suspicions always about him. I was obliged therefore to avoid any direct proposition or question, and only prepare him by declaring my opinion in such a way as to avoid suspicion. He has my testimony of the talents of the person proposed, and so given as to weigh with him. But I have no means of conjecturing the part he may take but his acquiesence in the correspondence between the character I gave and the idea he had formed from other information. Wishing you success in all your undertakings and health and happiness I am with great esteem Dr. Sir Your friend & servt

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi); at foot of text: “Doctr. Currie.” Not recorded in SJL.

According to SJL, TJ and Currie exchanged 16 letters between 3 Feb. 1794 and 16 May 1796, none of which has been found.

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