Adams Papers

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 January 1779

John Adams to Abigail Adams

Passy Jany. 19. 1779

My dearest

I can only tell you that I am not well. A bad Cold only. The others are all well.

Not a Word of News from any Part. None from America a long time, i.e. since Mr. Cheever and Sears sailed. None from Congress this Age. Mr. Gridley, Cheever and Sears, brought me only a Line from your Uncle and a Duplicate from Mr. Cushing. These I answered before.1

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “Mrs. Adams.”

1The letter from AA’s uncle, Isaac Smith Sr., 9 Nov. 1778, is printed above; no answer has been found. Thomas Cushing’s letter, “a Duplicate” dated 21–28 Oct. 1778, is in Adams Papers; JA replied in a letter of 8 Dec. 1778 (NhD).

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