James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Charles N. Baldwin, 26 June 1811 (Abstract)

§ From Charles N. Baldwin

26 June 1811, New York. “Having issued from the press the first number of a periodical work;1 the only one of this nature in this city; I have ventured to send the first number for your inspection, not doubting your liberality, and desire to encourage literature and S[c]ience in this country.” Solicits JM’s assistance and adds in a postscript, “If you feel inclined to patronise the work you will please to let me know,… and I will transmit the next number to you by the next mail.”

RC (DLC). 2 pp. Docketed by JM.

1Baldwin very likely forwarded the first issue of The Literary Miscellany; or, Monthly Review, a short-lived journal he published in New York in 1811.

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