George Washington Papers

Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., to Timothy Pickering, 23 December 1795

Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., to Timothy Pickering

23d Decr 95

By The President’s direction B. Dandridge respectfully transmits to the Secy of State a Memorial of sundry merchants of New York—The President requests the Secretary to return an answer to the Letter from the Committee, which accompanied the Memorial, informing them that the most pointed & strong remonstrances have been made against the Conduct of which they complain.1

B.D. also encloses a Letter from a Mr Slaughter to the President. The President wishes the Secretary to examine it, & to know whether anything can be done towards the restoration of his Son.2

AL, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB, DNA: RG 59, GW’s Correspondence with His Secretaries of State.

1Neither the memorial nor the committee’s letter has been identified. Pickering replied to the committee on 31 Dec.: “The President of the United States has directed me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th instant, with the memorial of a number of the citizens of New York, representing the continued and reiterated molestations of their lawful commerce, by the powers at war; and to assure you that pointed and strong remonstrances have been made against the conduct of which you complain: so that it seems unnecessary to renew the demands of redress and the prevention of further depredations. Permit me, Gentlemen, to add, that to authorize any fresh representations to any of the belligerant powers, a specification of the injuries committed, with reasonable proofs of the facts, would be indispensable. To such exhibitions of the wrongs sustained by his fellow citizens, the President will ever give the most prompt attention, and use all the means in his power to procure for them redress and satisfaction” (DNA: RG 59, Domestic Letters).

2See Robert Slaughter, Jr., to GW, 12 December. No action on Slaughter’s request has been identified.

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