James Madison Papers

To James Madison from the Right Reverend James Madison, 10 December 1810 (Abstract)

§ From the Right Reverend James Madison

10 December 1810, Williamsburg. Recommends Joseph Prentis, son of the late Judge Prentis, for the position of port surveyor at Suffolk.1 Praises his integrity and mentions that he has “the additional Merit of being a warm & active Friend in Favour of the present Administration.” Has read “with entire Satisfaction” JM’s message to Congress. “Our Vessel has a tempestuous Ocean to sail in; but I rejoice that the Helm is in Hands as distinguished for Wisdom, as for Patriotism & Firmness.” Conveys his respects to Mrs. Madison.

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Prentis”). 1 p.

1JM nominated Joseph Prentis to the position of surveyor and inspector of the revenue at Suffolk, Virginia, on 5 Feb. 1811 (Senate Exec. Proceedings description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828). description ends , 2:165).

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