George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 11 September 1785]

Sunday 11th. Thermometer at 69 in the Morning—74 at Noon and 74 at Night.

Wind fresh at No. West all day & clear—warm notwithstanding.

Mr. Potts, and Doctors Mortimer and Craik Junr. dined here and returned to Alexandria in the Evening.

Mr. Shaw and Mr. Tayler went to Alexandria after breakfast in my barge & did not return until after midnight.

John Potts, Jr. (1760–1809), a Pennsylvanian, in partnership with William Herbert operated an import store on the corner of Fairfax and Queen streets in Alexandria. The partnership was dissolved in 1787 (Va. Journal, 19 May 1784 and 4 Oct. 1787). Potts was a subscriber to the Potowmack Company and for several years was secretary of the company.

Dr. Charles Mortimer, Jr., advertised in 1784 that he was setting up a practice in Alexandria. He claimed to be “bred to the practice of Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery, both in America and Europe” (Va. Journal, 9 Dec. 1784). Mortimer was a son of Dr. Charles Mortimer of Fredericksburg, Mrs. Mary Washington’s personal physician.

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