Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on Personal Finance, [10 March 1805 and after]

Notes on Personal Finance

[10 Mch. 1805 and after]

Mar. 10.  in bank 532. 025
cash 175.
707. 025
Hepburn 27. 675
Maine 38.
Harrison 2.
Treasury 40 
Langdon 16.
<Jones & Howell 144. 47>
Ingle 8. 105
Jones & Kain 19.
Marsh 50. 1 
Patterson 4. 875
Rigden 8. 50
Smith 2.
Stage 19. 75  260. 905
Eppes 100 
Barnes groc.
March 88. 502
Wardlaw 46. 12
Jones & Howell 144. 47
Polkinhorn & Hall. 17. 77
Carpenter 194. 25

Aug. 1st. week. G. Jeff. for C. Peyton 201.


paimts. to W.S. since Oct. 1803.

1804.  Mar.  17.   J.B. 500
May 10  J.B. 500
July Th:J 500
Aug. 10  J.B. 500
Oct. Th:J  500
Nov. 10  Th:J 500
1805. Feb. Th:J 500
12   8787.69
Mar. 11  Th:J 500
May 4. Th:J. 500

MS (CSmH); entirely in TJ’s hand; on verso of sheet addressed “President of the United States.”

These notes comprise bills, for most of which TJ had relevant invoices in hand by the middle of March 1805, not 1804 as he mistakenly wrote at the head of the document. This is the first of a series of documents that he created for the management of his finances. Similar notes appear in this volume at 15 Mch., 4 May, 4 June, and 5 July. In each case, after accounting for his available financial reserves, TJ compiled a list of payments to be made. A set of payments recorded in his financial memoranda at 11 Mch. matched many of the expenses listed above, including those to Alexander Hepburn for plants, the Treasury Department as reimbursement for coal, Jones & Kain for carriage repair, Edgar Patterson for a cage, the firm of Burnett & Rigden for watch mending, and someone named Smith for a blanket. He recorded making the first installment on his bill to Mrs. John March the following day, when he also paid Joseph Dougherty $18.59, an amount he did not include in his notes above (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1148; Statement of Account with Mrs. John March, 7 Mch.; Statement of Account with Henry Ingle, 8 Mch.; Receipt from Robert Harrison, [11 Mch.]; TJ to John Langdon, 11 Mch.; Joseph Dougherty to TJ, 22 Mch.).

Below those earlier payments, TJ listed some other expected transactions, which he completed at different times in May and June. The payment to John Wayles Eppes was for a horse, while that to William Wardlaw was for doctor’s bills. TJ recorded paying James Webb $50.50 for “mahogy. tables &c.” on 6 June. Payment of $31.48 for venetian blinds made by Peter Lenox, an amount that TJ does not appear to have known when compiling these notes, occurred on 7 May. TJ paid the tailor’s bill from Thomas Carpenter in two installments, on 7 May and 6 June (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1152-6; Statement of Account with Thomas Carpenter, at 24 Jan.; Statement of Account with Polkinhorn & Hall, 12 Mch.).

TJ likely added information about a note due to Craven Peyton on 28 Apr., when he recorded the pending transaction in his financial memoranda, having received a letter the day before from George Jefferson informing him of the debt (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1151; TJ to Peyton, 13 June).

On or after 4 May, TJ listed some payments he had made to William Short (W.S.), either through his account with John Barnes (J.B.) or from his own banking account. He would subsequently make another $500 payment on 14 June (TJ to Short, 14 June).

1Number interlined in place of “88.50.”

2Number interlined in place of “[60.50].”

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