Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Matthew Maty, 1 July 1773

To Matthew Maty2

ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society

Craven street, July 1. 1773


Our ingenious and worthy Brother Mr. Walsh, having long had an Intention of drawing up from his Minutes a full Account of the numerous Experiments he made on the Torpedo, which Intention his other Avocations have not permitted him to execute, it is but lately that I have obtain’d his Permission to lay before the Society what he had in the meantime been pleased to communicate to me on that very curious and interesting Subject, or I should sooner have put it into your Hands for that purpose: I wish you may now have time to read them before the Recess.3 With great Esteem, I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

Dr Maty, Secry. to the Royal Society.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2The secretary of the Royal Society and, since 1772, the principal librarian of the British Museum. DNB.

3BF unquestionably enclosed the following document, perhaps in rougher form than the published text that we print, and it was supposedly read the same day before the Royal Society: Phil. Trans., LXIII (1773–74), part 2, 461.

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