James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Jones, 29 July 1816

From William Jones

Philada. 29th. July 1816

Dear sir

Presuming that it may be acceptable to you to know the progress and prospects of the subscriptions to the Bank of the United States which in the existing state of things so materially involves the financial operations of the government, and the currency and credit of the country; I have the pleasure to communicate to you such information as I possess on the subject either officially or privately. The following statement will exhibit the ascertained result of the subscriptions marked thus x, and also the probable result at those places where the amount has not yet been ascertained, but approximates to certainty marked thus *. The amount at the remaining places is conjectural but founded upon the best data at this time attainable.

viz. at Portland Maine 350000
Portsmouth N H 350000
Boston x 2.402300
Providence R I (upwards of) x 700000
Middletown, Con (do) x 1.000000
Burlington Vert 150000
New York x 2 300000
New Brunswick N J x 130000
Philadelphia x 5.833600
Wilmington Del x 465000
Baltimore x 4.014100
Richmond x 1.702200
Lexington Keny. 1.200000
Cincinnati 350000
Raleigh NC 350000
Nashville Ten 300000
Charleston S C * 2.000000
Augusta Geo * 1.000000
New Orleans 300000
Washington City x 1.293000

I think it may be assumed as certain that the Capital will not be three millions of dollars deficient and that upon opening the subscription again it will be filled in less than forty eight hours. With Sincere respect and regard I am Dear sir your Obedt Servt

W Jones

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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