Alexander Hamilton Papers
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Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [3 June 1773]

Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with
Alexander Hamilton1

[New York, June 3, 1773]

994. Ann Ventons quittance til Hammilton, til Lillie, for Lyttons estate, for 25 rdr. af 3die junii 1773.

D, Christiansteds byfogedarkiv skifteprot: 1769–80, no. 50, fol. 324–25, receipt no. 994, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen.

1The translation reads as follows: “994. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 3rd of June 1773 to Hamilton, to Lillie, for 25 rigsdollars for the Lytton estate.” For information concerning this receipt, see “Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton,” May 16, 1772.

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