Alexander Hamilton Papers
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From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 31 October 1794

To George Washington

Camp 1½ Miles beyond
Cherrys Mill1 [Pennsylvania] October 31


The New Jersey Infantry and Brigade of Cavalry are at this place. The Pensylvania Infantry will be here this Evening. The light Corps is advanced about two Miles. No official account, since that heretofore communicated has come from the left wing. But a person who came from Union-Town yesterday informs, the Morgan2 with the advance was there—the main body about twenty miles behind. I propose in about an hour to set out for Union Town.

All announces trepidation & submission. The new commissioners have been with Governor Mifflin charged with new declarations by townships, batalions of Militia & of a disposition to obey the laws.3 The impression is certainly for the present strong but it will be stronger & more permanent by what is to follow. It does not appear that any great numbers have fled.

With truest respect & attachment   I have the honor to be   Sir Your obed servant

A Hamilton

The President of The UStates.

ALS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Cherry’s Mill was named for Thomas Cherry, an early settler in Washington County, Pennsylvania. The mill was situated on Jacob’s Creek and was near Cherry’s Fort, which Cherry built in 1774, and his farm (Earl R. Forrest, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania [Chicago, 1926], 49, 118; Boyd Crumrine, A History of Washington County, Pennsylvania [Philadelphia, 1882], 854–55).

2Major General Daniel Morgan was in command of the Virginia militia.

3This is a reference to the delegates appointed from the four western counties of Pennsylvania to confer with Washington. See H to Washington, October 29, 1794, note 3. As the President had left for Philadelphia, the committee met with Governor Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania and H. On November 1, 1794, the committee met with Henry Lee, commanding general of the militia army (Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd ser., IV description begins Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd ser., IV (n.p., 1876). description ends , 435–39).

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