George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward Hand, 18 February 1781

From Brigadier General Edward Hand

Philada 18th Feby 1781


This is but the third day since I had the Honor to recieve your Excys favour of the 23d Ultimo.1 when I left home I did not expect to go on to Camp, must there fore return to Lancaster. I leave Town to day, & will join you as soon as possible.2

The Ariel, Captn Paul Jones, Arived at Chester yesterday. from L’Orient. which place She left the 16th Decr last the Captn Came up to Town last night with his dispatches. those for the Minister of France, If we may judge by Their Bulk, must be of consequence. I have the honor to be with much respect your Excys most Obedt & most Hble Servt

Edwd Hand

it is said there are some Arms & Amunition onboard the Ariel but no Cloathing.3

ALS, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote “no answer required” on the docket.

2Hand assumed his duties as adjutant general in March (see General Orders, 22 March).

3The frigate Ariel carried a portion of the arms and ammunition that U.S. minister Benjamin Franklin had purchased from France (see Rochambeau to GW, 21 Aug. 1780, n.2).

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