George Washington Papers

Henry Knox to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 15 March 1794

Henry Knox to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr.

[Philadelphia] 15 March 1794

Dear Sir

Be so good as to submit to the President of the United States the letter of Genl Chapin, with the accompanying speeches of the cheifs of the six nations at Buffaloe Creek on the 7th ultimo.1 Yours

H. Knox


1In his letter to Knox of 25 Feb., written at Canandaigua, N.Y., Israel Chapin wrote: “Inclosed are the proceedings of a Council holden at Buffaloe Creek, the 7th of this instant. There were present at the Council the principal Sachems Chiefs &c. of the Six Nations, together with one Shawane Indian, that attended the Council. There were a number of the British from Upper Canada also, who attended the Council, agreeable to the Indians request (Vizt) Major [Edward Baker] Littlehales, and others of the Indian department. I proceeded on business agreable to your direction. The Speach from the President was interpreted to them, and altho’ a little different from what they expected (yet was gratified in the same). I also informed them respecting the supplies of Clothing &c. forwarded them by the Presidents directions, which they received with much gratitude, and as a new token of his Fatherly disposition towards them, but I believe had not the same effect with those who they at present call their Brothers, the other side of the water. They did not give me a direct answer to the President’s speech, as they wanted some time for several reasons. Some of their Chiefs were absent, and some of them in the Shawanoe Country, in order to find out the disposition of them towards the States &c. Captain Brant was present at the Council, and from every information I can obtain, the Six Nations together with the Chippawas will undoubtedly agree to hold a Treaty next Summer agreable to the Presidents request.” The enclosed proceedings recorded not only Chapin’s speeches but also those of the Seneca chief Red Jacket and the Mohawk chief Joseph Brant (PHi: Wayne Papers, Large Miscellaneous Manuscripts, vol. 2; see also Jennings and Fenton, Iroquois Indians description begins Francis Jennings and William Fenton, eds. Iroquois Indians: A Documentary History of the Diplomacy of the Six Nations and Their League. Woodbridge, Conn., 1985. Microfilm. description ends , reel 42, and a printed version in ASP, Indian Affairs description begins Walter Lowrie et al., eds. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. 38 vols. Washington, D.C., Gales and Seaton, 1832–61. description ends , 1:479–80. On the speech from GW, see n.1 of Knox to GW, 23 Dec. 1793.

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