George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Henry Lee, Jr., 2 March 1786

From Henry Lee, Jr.

March 2d n[ew] york. 1786

My dear Genl

I did myself the honor to write to you some days past:1 since which an Arabian stud horse has arrived in this City & has been announced in the gazettes a present to you, from his Catholic Majesty.

I consider it not improper to inform you that the printers have mistaken the matter, the horse being sent to Mr Jay.

Our fœderal distresses gather fast to a point. New Jersey has refused the requisition, and will grant not a shilling, till New york accedes to the impost.

Pe[r]haps this intemperance in Jersey may bring this state to acquiesce in a system of finance long ago approved by ten states & whose operation might have saved the difficultys which impend over the Union.

I intended to have sent you Mr Ramsays late publication, entitled the “revolution of So. Carolina” but am anticipated by the Author who forwarded you a sett by a vessel from this port to Alexandria.2

Gordons history has not yet made its appearance & Many hope never may; as the character & genius of the writer illy correspondents with the subject.3

I hope your lady enjoys her health & beg to be presented to her. I have the honor to be dear sir your most aff. h. sert

Henry Lee Junr

Mr Jays narrative of his late altercation with Mr Littlepage accompanys this.4


1Lee wrote on 16 February.

3For the public criticism of William Gordon, see Gordon to GW, 9 April, n.2.

4Lee may have enclosed John Jay’s letter of this date and Jay’s “State of Facts.” See Lafayette to GW, 6 Feb., n.10.

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