George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 20 March 1769]

20. Executing in the forenoon Deeds, & settling with those who had purchd. Carters Land upon Opechon. In the afternoon rid to Valentine Crawfd.

Opequon Creek, then in Frederick County, now divides Berkeley and Jefferson counties, W.Va. It rises a few miles southeast of Winchester and flows into the Potomac 15 or 16 miles above Harpers Ferry (kercheval description begins Samuel Kercheval. A History of the Valley of Virginia. 4th ed. Strasburg, Va., 1925. description ends , 305; norris [1] description begins J. E. Norris, ed. History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley. 1890. Reprint. Berryville, Va., 1972. description ends , 29).

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