George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 30 May 1765]

30. Peter Green came to me a Gardener.

Apparently Peter Green was on a yearly wage contract of £5. He appears on GW’s tithable lists only for July 1765 and left his position in June 1766. In 1771 GW was trying to find a good “Kitchen Gardener” on a four- or five-year indenture at a moderate wage, and even inquired in Scotland. He hired David Cowan, “late of Fredericksburg,” as a gardener for the year 1773. According to the articles of agreement signed 11 Jan. 1773, Cowan agreed to serve “in the capacity of a Gardener; & that he will work duely & truely, during that time, at the business; and also when need be, or when thereunto required, employ himself in Grafting, Budding, & pruning of Fruit Trees and Vines—likewise in Saving, at proper Seasons, and due order, Seeds of all kinds” (DLC:GW). His salary was £25, plus lodging and food for his family.

Index Entries