James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joshua Dawson and Others, 24 October 1816

From Joshua Dawson and Others

Washington October 24th. 1816

The subscribers, take the liberty, respectfully to represent to the president of the United States, the following grievance, to which they are likely to be subjected, in consequence of permission granted by the president, to Mr. Richard Forrest, to occupy as a Stable, the building on the South-east-corner of G, and 14th. Street, formerly in possession of the president.

The building, ranging exactly in a line with the pavement, & the adjoining dwelling houses, must render the egress, and ingress of the horses, extremely inconvenient, as well as hazardous to passengers, and all those living more immediately in the neighborhood—the danger also, from fire, will excite considerable alarm to the inhabitants, as there is no doubt, that the stable will be resorted to during the night time, and the many fatal accidents which have happened from such practices, will very naturally increase the anxiety. The subscribers, therefore encourage the hope, that the president will, upon consideration of the circumstances stated, be pleased to withdraw his grant to Mr. Forrest, more especially, as the subscribers understand, that the building in question, is wanted to be fitted up, for the use of the Lancastrian school, at present deprived of a suitable house. Respectfully Submitted,

Josa. Dawson1

P. Ferrall

Wm. Parker

James Mc,Clay

Jno. N. Lovejoy

John M. Moore

Joshua Mooer

Jos. Dougherty

Wm. James

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Joshua Dawson was a clerk in the Register’s Office of the Treasury Department (ASP description begins American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States […] (38 vols.; Washington, D.C., 1832–61). description ends , Miscellaneous, 2:308).

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