Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 29 October 1795

From George Washington

Philadelphia 29th. Oct 1795.

My dear Sir,


Two or three days ago I wrote you a few lines in haste,1 and promised one more lengthy when I was more at leisure. For this purpose I am now seated.

The letters from young Fayette and Mr. Frestal;2 my letter to Mr. Cabot; and his answer3 (all of which are herewith enclosed for your perusal—mine in the rough state it was first drawn and to be returned when read) will give you a full view of what I have already done in this affair, up to the present moment. I have, unavailingly, owing to accidents, been endeavouring through indirect means, to learn Mr. Adets4 sentiments relative to the coming over of this young gentleman. But if you, after the information now given; and the reiterated assurance of what I have expressed in my letter to Mr. Cabot, and which I authorise you to repeat to him again, in the very strongest terms you can conceive, should be of opinion that I ought to go further at this time, I will do so at all events: for to be in the place of a father and friend to him I am resolved, under any circumstances. If therefore, as I have just said, you should think that good would come from it; or even consolation flow therefrom to young Fayette and his Tutor; I pray you to send them hither incog, without delay, that some plan may be fixed upon: in settling of which, I pray you to give me your ideas of that which shall appear most eligable either by them, or previous to their arrival here.

Other matters which I have to communicate, shall become the subject of another letter.5

I am ever and Affectionately Yours

Go: Washington

Colo. Hamilton.

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Letter not found.

2For the letters of George Washington Motier Lafayette and Felix Frestel to Washington, see H to Washington, October 16, 1795, note 1.

3For Washington’s correspondence with George Cabot, Federalist Senator from Massachusetts, see H to Washington, October 16, 1795, note 1.

4Pierre Auguste Adet, French Minister to the United States.

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