Alexander Hamilton Papers

Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the Customs, 21 September 1791

Treasury Department Circular to the
Collectors of the Customs

Treasury Department
September 21 1791


It being necessary to fix the rates at which the additional rations for the Officers of the Cutters are to be paid for, I have determined, on consideration, to instruct you to allow to the Captain & other Officers of the Cutter, under your Agency, the sum of nine Cents for every ration which they shall not draw, and for which they shall prefer to receive payment in money. It will also be agreeable to me that you should allow the Captain the like sum for all other rations, whether for himself, the Officers or the hands, provided he will engage to furnish for the same a sufficiency of the component parts of the Rations (not less than those underwritten) to the several persons belonging to the Cutter who shall be entitled to draw the same.

It will readily be understood that this arrangement has for object a due supply of the Seamen, (as far as it relates to them) and that it is expected that the whole sum to be allowed in lieu of the ration be expended in the Supply.

I am, Sir,   Your Most Obedt. Servant

Alex Hamilton

Component parts of a Ration—

One pound of beef or 3/4 lb of pork

One pound of bread or flour

Half a jill of Rum, brandy or whisky.

One quart of Salt } per 100 Rations
Two quarts of vinegar
Two pounds of Soap
One pound of Candles

LS, to Jedediah Huntington, MS Division, New York Public Library; LS, Office of the Secretary, United States Treasury Department; copy, United States Finance Miscellany, Treasury Circulars, Library of Congress; copy, RG 56, Circulars of the Office of the Secretary, “Set T,” National Archives.

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