Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Beverley Randolph, 19 June 1790

To Beverley Randolph

Treasury Department June 19th 1790


It appearing from the representation of Col. Carrington1 that he will be unable to execute in convenient time the business committed to him, relative to the lighthouse on Cape Henry, the President of the united States has been pleased to transfer that duty to Thomas Newton Esqr2 of Norfolk. The necessary instructions for this Gentleman were dispatched to him by the last mail,3 and on his report to you it will be Satisfactory to the President that the cession be completed.

I have the honor to be with the greatest respect   Sir   Your obedient Servt

Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of the Treasury

His Excelly Beverly Randolph Esqr
Governor of Virginia

LS, Archives Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond.

1Edward Carrington. Letter not found, but see H to Randolph, May 8, 1790.

3Letter not found.

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