Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Vergennes, 27 December 1781

To Vergennes

LS:3 Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress

Passy Decr 27. 1781.


I received the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me the 21st Inst; and having understood from Mr Grand that he had lately obtained a Sum that would be sufficient for the present Month,4 I communicated your Letter to him, and desired his Opinion whether instead of the Million I had requested of your Excellency, it might not be well to take only 500,000 l.t. and leave the other 500,000 l.t. for Mr Morris. Inclosed I send his Answer to me,5 by which I am induced to continue my Application for the entire Million. And as I shall make no other use of it than to pay the Bills and Orders of Congress, I am fully satisfied of my being sufficiently authorised in applying their Money to that purpose; more especially as the protesting their Drafts would be attended with the most mischievous Consequences. I am with great Respect, Sir, Your Excellency’s, most obedient & most humble Servant.

B Franklin

Exy. Ct. de Vergennes

Endorsed: M. de R rep

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3In WTF’s hand.

4See Grand to BF, Nov. 22.

5Grand to BF, [before Dec. 27], above.

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