Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to [the Duchesse de Deux-Ponts], 28 December 1777

To [the Duchesse de Deux-Ponts]

AL (draft): American Philosophical Society

Passy Sunday Decr. 28. 1777


I received your obliging Invitation of dining with you some day this Week. As I find all the Days engaged but Saturday, I cannot sooner have that Pleasure. We will then talk about the Affair of the young Gentleman, who by his Letter appears to be sensible and promising.9 With sincere Esteem and a good deal of Affection I have the Honour to be, Madam, Your &c.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9Her invitation, of the 27th, is above; the letter from the young gentleman, her nephew Fontevieux, has apparently been lost.

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