Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Strettell Jones, 30 December 1775

From Robert Strettell Jones4

ALS: Library of Congress

30th. Decr 1775


Col. Lewis of Lower Dublin has ordered the Bearer to deliver these Prisoners to me as Secretary of the Committee of this City and Liberties; but apprehending them to fall more properly under the Notice of the Committee of Safety I have taken the Liberty of referring to you for your Orders being Sir Your most obedient humble Servant

R Strettell Jones

Addressed: Honble: Benjamin Franklin Esqr / President of the / Committee of Safety.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4He has appeared frequently in earlier volumes as a member of the Library Company; see for example XVIII, 18. He appears now as secretary of the Philadelphia committee of inspection and observation, to which he had been elected the previous August: Pa. Gaz., Aug. 23, 1775. The committee of safety was much concerned with prisoners at the time, but its minutes do not identify this particular group or Col. Lewis. Lower Dublin is in Philadelphia Co.

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