Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Smith, 9 April 1777

From William Smith1

Kingston [New York] April 9th. 1777


The Convention on having granted a Permission to Mr. Le Roy2 to repair to head Quarters in order to solicit leave to go to New York; And having omitted to take his Parole, they beg the favor of you to carry the enclosed Resolution3 into execution.

I am Sir Your most Obedt. Servt. By Order.

Wm Smith president P.T.

Colo. Hamilton

LS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Smith, a delegate from Suffolk, wrote in his capacity as president pro tempore of the Convention of the State of New York.

2Jacob Le Roy, a New York merchant.

3The resolution stated that Le Roy “do give his parol to return and appear before the Convention, or Committee of Safety of this State, within six weeks from the time of his arrival within the enemy’s lines” (Journals of the Provincial Congress of the State New-York, I, 871–872).

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