1From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Fitzhugh, 26 March 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Immediately on my arrival at home I sent to three different persons to whom I had given the large...
2From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Fitzhugh, 10 May 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved the day before yesterday some cow-peas from mr Randolph, by the stage, which I had...
3From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Fitzhugh, 19 December 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
You will perhaps recollect the having spoken to me of a mr Coffer in your neighborhood who had...
4From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Fitzhugh, 14 February 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved two days ago your favor of the 11th. and immediately applied at the War office, where...
5Thomas Jefferson to Richard Fitzhugh, 25 April 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
I have unluckily got out of the Ravensworth pea , which I value so highly as to wish to recover...
6Thomas Jefferson to Richard Fitzhugh, 27 May 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 9 th has been safely recieved, together with the packet of Ravensworth peas ....