1To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 17 August 1802 (Madison Papers)
I now return you the papers forwarded by the merchants of Philadelphia and Boston on the subject...
2To James Madison from David Lenox, 17 August 1802 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
17 August 1802, New York. Notifies JM of his arrival in New York after a passage of fifty-seven...
3To James Madison from David Lenox, 17 August 1802 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to advise y ou of my arrival here Yesterday, after a passage of 57 days from...
4To Thomas Jefferson from William Firby, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Encouraged by that Philanthropy of disposition for which you are so eminently distinguished among...
5To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I enclose herewith the following papers Recommendation for Commisrs. of Bankruptcy at Poukepsie...
6To Thomas Jefferson from Étienne Lemaire, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Jespair que la presente Resûe vous trouvaira En bonne Senté, je resûe, vôtre, honorable lettre le...
7From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I now return you the papers forwarded by the merchants of Philadelphia and Boston on the subject...
8To Thomas Jefferson from Marblehead, Massachusetts, Inhabitants, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
We the Subscribers, Merchants, & other Inhabitants of Marblehead, have noticed, with no small...
9From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Smith, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I inclose you a letter from a mr Isaac Mansfield as attorney for the representative of James...
10To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 17 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Captain James Barron and some other Officers of the Navy who have been heretofore commissioned...