1To Alexander Hamilton from William Short, 29 November 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
I had the honor of addressing you on the 2d. of this month in reply to your letter of the 28th....
2To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 29 November 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
It having been represented by the Director of the Mint that the late rise in the price of Copper,...
3From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [29 November 1792] (Hamilton Papers)
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the president; has the honor to transmit...
4To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 29 November 1792 (Washington Papers)
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the president; has the honor to transmit...
5To George Washington from the United States House of Representatives, 29 November 1792 (Washington Papers)
In obedience to the Order of the House of Representatives, I do myself the honor to transmit to...
6To Thomas Jefferson from William Fitzhugh, 29 November 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
Your Favour of the 19th, only got to my Hands last night, on my return from Richmond, or it shoud...
7To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Harrison, 29 November 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
To avoid the delay which, from a want of Information, sometimes attends the passage of Salary...
8To Thomas Jefferson from Tobias Lear, 29 November 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of State, that a bill...
9To Thomas Jefferson from Van Staphorst & Hubbard, 29 November 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
With your respected favor of 16 ulto. we received Two very large and Three Smaller Packetts of...