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    • 1788-08-23


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123d. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Thompson’s, with Mr. Andrews and Townsend. In the afternoon I took a ride with Little to...
Will you be so kind as to wait upon the Govenour early on monday morning with the inclosed cards...
Since I had the honor to Command the packett-ship Genr l. Washington. in 84. I have lived at this...
Philadelphia, August 23, 1788. Requests information respecting Forman’s claim against the estate...
Your favr. of 12th. Inst. I Recd. not ’till yesterday haveing Just then Returned from the Country...
6[Diary entry: 23 August 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 23d. Thermometer at 74 in the Morning—83 at Noon and 82 at Night. The Morning was very...
My last went via England in the hands of a Swiss gentleman who had married an American lady, and...
I have duly received your favors of the 3d. 8th. 14th. and 15th. inst. and have now the honor of...
My last went vià England in the hands of a Swiss gentleman who had married an American lady, and...
Herewith I take the Liberty to cover you a Letter from my Father, Colo. Mason of Virginia, which...