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    • 1787-04-30


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130th. (Adams Papers)
Cranch and my Chum went to Boston this morning to see a pompous funeral of one Mr. Webb, who was...
Upon the Receipt of the first of the inclosed Letters from D r Wren and M r Mawbrey, by Express,...
I have received the elegant volume you did me the honor to address to me, and shall take the...
I am much oblidged to you for the esteemed present of your Book, “in defence of the Constitutions...
5[Diary entry: 30 April 1787] (Washington Papers)
Monday 30th. Set out about Sun rise on my return home. Halted at Dumfries, for about an hour...
6[Diary entry: 30 April 1787] (Washington Papers)
30th. A brisk Southerly Wind all day, with appearances of rain; some of which, abt. 6 oclock,...
Letter not found: from David Stuart, 30 April 1787. On 5 May GW wrote “I have received your favor...
Seeing little chance of a direct conveyance of your furniture to Fredg. we have availed ourselves...
The delegation have received your Excellencys letr. of the 14th. Nothing yet has been done...
Capt. Pierce having been detained by Contrary winds I took an opportunity of sending to Barstead...