1To Alexander Hamilton from Vincent Gray, 10 November 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Alexandria, Virginia, November 10, 1789. On November 25, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Gray : “I am...
2To Alexander Hamilton from Vincent Gray, 11 November 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Alexandria, Virginia, November 11, 1789. On November 25, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Gray : “I am...
3From Alexander Hamilton to Vincent Gray, 21 November 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York, November 21, 1789. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold...
4From Alexander Hamilton to Vincent Gray, 25 November 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
I am favoured with your two letters of the 10th and 11th Instant, the former transmitting a...
5To Alexander Hamilton from Vincent Gray, 11 May 1790 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Alexandria, Virginia, May 11, 1790 . On May 21, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Charles Lee: “I have...
6To Alexander Hamilton from Vincent Gray, 9 October 1791 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Alexandria, Virginia, October 9, 1791. On November 10, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Charles Lee :...
7To Alexander Hamilton from Vincent Gray, 26 April 1803 (Hamilton Papers)
The Ship Aspasia being about to depart for new york, I take leave to present to you this my...
8To Alexander Hamilton from Vincent Gray, [28 April 1804] (Hamilton Papers)
Baron Humboldt Supreme counseller of Mines in the service of His Prussian Majesty and Member of...