1To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 22 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Men under your command having repeatedly fired upon the Officers of His Majesty’s Troops...
2To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 21 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
In answer to your letter of the 18th inst. I am to acquaint you that my command does not Extend...
3To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 2 February 1776 (Washington Papers)
In Answer to your Letter of the 30th Ulto which was delivered with the Seal broken, I am to...
4To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 16 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of a Letter from you yesterday, enclosing a Narrative of certain...
5To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 1 August 1776 (Washington Papers)
I have receiv’d the Favor of your Letter of the 30th of July and shall accordingly direct that Mr...
6To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 21 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
I have the Favor of your Letters of the 6th and 19th Current; in consequence of the latter,...
7To George Washington from Major General William Howe, 4 October 1776 (Washington Papers)
Having heard by Report of Governor Brown’s Vicinity in Connecticut, I have been in daily...
8To George Washington from Lieutenant General William Howe, 8 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
A Servant lately attending upon Major Stuart of the 43d Regiment of Foot, named Peter Jack, is...
9To George Washington from Lieutenant General William Howe, 11 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
The enclosed Letter having been intercepted and brought to me, I am happy to return it without...
10To George Washington from Lieutenant General William Howe, 5 December 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Persons mentioned in the inclosed List are sent in Exchange for the Officers and others...