1To George Washington from Benedict Arnold, 19 September 1775 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: from Benedict Arnold, 19 Sept. 1775. On 25–27 Sept. Arnold wrote to GW : “My...
2To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 25–27 September 1775 (Washington Papers)
My last of the 19th Inst. from Newbury Port, advising of the Embarkation of the Troops I make no...
3To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 27 September 1775 (Washington Papers)
I have ordered, James McCormick, the Criminal condemned for the Murder of Rueben Bishop, on board...
4To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 13 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
A Person going down the River presents the first Opportunity I have had of writing to your...
5To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 27–28 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
My last of the 13th Instant from the Portage to the Dead River, adviseing your Excellency of our...
6To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 8 November 1775 (Washington Papers)
My last Letter was of the 27th ultimo, from Chaudiere Pond, adviseing your Excellency that as the...
7To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 13 November 1775 (Washington Papers)
The foregoing is a Copy of my last of the 8th Instant, by an Express sent me by General...
8To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 20 November 1775 (Washington Papers)
My last was of the 14th Instant from Point ⟨Levi⟩ —the same Evening I passed the St Lawrance...
9To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold, 5 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
My last of the 20th ultimo from Point aux Trembles, advising of my retiring from before Quebec,...
10To George Washington from Brigadier General Benedict Arnold, 14 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
I make no Doubt you will, soon hear, of Our Misfortune, on the 31. Ulto, and be very Anxious to...