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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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You searched for: wine with filters: Author="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 1-10 of 673 sorted by date (ascending)
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1Memorandum Books, 1767 (Jefferson Papers)
got drunk with the sacrament wine going to Clairmont church. wine, Madeira, rum, and cider. If
2Memorandum Books, 1768 (Jefferson Papers)
for wine 2/6.
3Memorandum Books, 1769 (Jefferson Papers)
Pd. John Coleman for wine at election 4/3.with Lisbon wine for common use.
4Memorandum Books, 1772 (Jefferson Papers)
Wine used since Sep. 30. 1771
5Memorandum Books, 1773 (Jefferson Papers)
...superfine Malmsey to a dry Madeira and makes a fine wine....this was for a hhd. of wine I...
6Memorandum Books, 1774 (Jefferson Papers)
Note we began upon the pipe of wine I bot. of Skelton’s estate June 1st.Mr. Mazzei for Wine company,
7Memorandum Books, 1775 (Jefferson Papers)
...7. years interest. Such a bottle holds 15 common wine glasses. A flask of Syracuse
...only to ask your acceptance of the wine, and express my constant wishes for your...
...1775 to William Small, which begins with madeira wine, was designed to open the eyes of...
10Memorandum Books, 1776 (Jefferson Papers)
Pd. Greentree for wine 6/.Credit my mother’s estate a bottle of wine.